Category: Blogs

May 24
How an Online Wellness Platform Can Help Professionals Manage Clients Effectively

If you are an online wellness professional, then you know that managing clients can be a challenge. Thankfully some online wellness platforms can provide an easily accessible space where professionals and clients can communicate and collaborate on goals, progress, and support. Plus, online wellness platforms offer a variety of features that make managing clients more […]

Apr 23
Exploring Online Wellness: Maximize Your Health by Allowing for Meetings and Learning Outside a Building.

We all know that traditional wellness services happen inside of an office. You make an appointment, talk to your health professional, and then leave. Online wellness lets you have those same services outside of a building. Want to meet in a park? No problem! This freedom can be a massive advantage for people who want […]

Apr 23
Get Noticed By the Target Customers With A Winning Profile on TeleWellness Hub

There’s no doubt that having an online presence is essential for any business or service provider in today’s digital age. TeleWellness Hub is a game-changer for any wellness practitioner looking to expand their clientele. With its innovative wellness platform, you can connect with your target demographic without limits! TeleWellness Hub is an online directory of […]

Apr 04
Wellness E-Visits: Experience Wellness From The Comfort Of Your Home

Are You Overworked and Stressed?  Are you facing health hazards like a stiff neck or experiencing unexplained weight gain? The Pandemic has created many secondary health problems in the last few years. A considerable part of the global population has been forced to stay at home.  And some are still struggling to come to terms […]

Mar 28
Stress-Free Search with Telewellness Hub: Connect With Wellness Experts in Minutes

Can Online Search Be Stressful? You bet it is! Constant online searching can be very stressful. This is because we are constantly trying to make sense of all the information we are taking in. When the brain is bombarded with too much information (as is often the case with an online search), it can become […]

Feb 08
Video Chat In The Wellness World

Offering Video Chats with Clients and Patients is Now Expected. Even before the pandemic, the move online had been gathering pace, but of course, the sudden need to work from home and embrace social distancing accelerated it considerably. With the health industry as a whole seeing a 60%+ increase in online consultations in 2021, it […]

Feb 08
The Modern Practitioner: Marketing For Wellness Practitioners

Today’s Modern Wellness Practitioners are online and have more than one expertise Wellness is a holistic concept that has steadily grown in popularity over the last few decades, as we recognize the importance of all aspects of our lives in delivering overall health and happiness. As society has embraced these ideals, Health and Wellness professionals […]

Feb 08
Online Wellness is Playing Catchup

The Pandemic accelerated consumer behavior 5 years ahead of time The pandemic is the defining event of the last few years. Overnight, it changed the way we work, live, and interact with other people, and the effects are still being felt today. Whether that was working from home or the gym and restaurants closing to […]

Jan 29
Marketing Yourself as a Modern Practitioner

Why TeleWellness Hub Is The Best Directory For You As a modern Wellness practitioner, you have embraced the digital world and offered a range of services that help people attain the health and lifestyle they are looking for. But finding new clients is always a challenge. Effective marketing can be costly and time-consuming, leaving you […]

Jan 12
Grow Your Revenue as a Wellness Pro

As the internet becomes the go-to resource for finding health and wellness professionals, if you aren’t taking advantage of it, you are missing out on potential clients and revenue. Web presence is just as crucial for wellness professionals as it is for any type of business. With a strong web presence Clients Easily Find You […]