When you sign up to be listed with TeleWellness Hub you are creating a condensed website; a listing page that includes every thing about what you do, easy to find contact information, and information that users don’t want to ‘dig’ to find- right there on one clean, bold, and helpful directory listing page. Your banner image, your profile image, your social media & youtube links; we have a space for them all!
Having your online wellness expertise listed on TeleWellness Hub means you benefit from our brand’s marketing, and have a better chance of being found!
Increase you visibility on Google by benefitting from our on-going SEO efforts and implementations
Reach potential clients at the highest level with our TV ads on major networks such as ABC
Benefit from our growing number of partnerships with other wellness-based brands to increase credibility
Increase your reach and visibility on social media with our paid advertising efforts
Your Personal Listing on TeleWellness Hub is setup for you, the modern practitioner who has a holistic outlook on health & wellness, likely offering multiple support areas and certifications.
An all-in-one approach for the modern practitioner seeking to streamline content and enhance their impact, as well as being found more easily for more search terms, capabilities, specialties, and even map location, all with a branded and comprehensive directory listing and a user dashboard to see profile views and clicks.
Clients will love the ability to search by name, language, category, and other regular terms to find who and what they need. In addition, this modern approach to having actual interactive content there on a directory listing invites more potential clients who may not feel comfortable with a video session at first, but might after engaging with your content (videos, eBooks, etc.)!